Holaaaa... My sisters and I could not stop cracking up at this. Zac Efron does the most amazing german accent! Haha! Theres no scrapbooking or cardmaking to post today. Sorry! I have been busy with school and whatnot so I havn't been doing much of that. BUT, there is only 35 days left of school! Ahhhh! Could I be anymore excited?! Done with the year already! Then it goes to the summer schedule of sleeping in, hanging out, and... scrapbooking EVERY SINGLE DAY. Very very exciting for me. And then... I will definitely post more. Also I am thinking about applying to be on the 2 Sketches 4 You design team. What do ya think? Anywho... Enjoy the video that has made me laugh so hard though! I hope you have a good laugh today. (:
14 years ago